To completing the head! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I ran into a bit of a problem whilst creating these shots, the cylinders kept producing a weird ... dirt patch I'll say... whenever I would render the image. I realized that it was due to not setting the cylinders to smooth (as opposed to solid, sharper edges). Rendering again produced the same results except it looked much smoother. I ran it through smooth (a separate function) which reduced the size a bit BUT gave me the look I wanted AND removed that weird "dirt patch" that plagued me. :P Regardless of the minor set back, I managed to get quite a bit done and I'm pretty pleased with the results so far. I'll have to put it all together like I did on Valentine's Day in order to get a better sense of scale and proportion. That's something I'll save for tomorrow; For now, take a gander at the pics and I'll catch you later.

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